Adam Robson

MSc, BSc, PGCert

Specialist operations and events: high-end expertise and the very highest professional standards in operational planning, risk management, crowd behavioural theory and crowd science tools

The InCrowd Safety Partnership is all about ensuring our clients achieve their organisational ambitions and market growth through ensuring people feel safe and stay safe.  We offer over 80 years combined experience in policing and collaborative public safety, and our individual high-end knowledge and skills guarantee clients superb value for money and the very highest standards in the industry


2008 – Current
Specialist policing operations & events: a career summary
Throughout sixteen years in crowd safety, I have developed significant expertise in crowd management and public safety techniques. Combining extensive operational experience with high-level academic qualifications, I have provided a consistent, cohesive and integrated approach to crowd safety. My knowledge, experience and skills have supported crowd safety operatives at all levels with research-based, defensible decision-making processes and advice.


2024 – Current
InCrowd Safety Partnership
The InCrowd Safety Partnership delivers innovative, high-quality consultancy services and accredited training products tailored to achieving clients’ organisational aspirations and financial growth. Aspiring to be the ‘go to’ global supplier, we ensure organisational preparedness and provide high-quality operational support to the commercial events industry, my personal credentials ensuring that social sciences research and recognised good practice underscore crowd management decision-making.


2022 – Current
Specialist consultant
Crowd Flow Manager, Roskilde Music Festival (Denmark): appointed to assist with crowd flow management across a vast festival site, and to identify and address safety issues whilst maintaining the customer experience. Operational Crowd Manager, Soudstorm Festival, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia): responsible for zonal crowd management at the largest and most challenging music festival in the Middle East, and reporting into and providing specialist advice to the Crowd Safety Director on unique, often sensitive safety issues.


2014 – 2024
Dedicated Football Officer
A football policing expert, I worked over 700 fixtures across the United Kingdom, covering all leagues and including overseas deployments. Driving innovation, my ideas have been adopted nationally, my advice also resulting in significant decreases to policing resources and costs. I managed operational teams of 30+ officers, designing their training and leading their professional development. Liaising between the police and clubs at an organisational level necessitated skilled communication and negotiations.


2011 – 2014
Police trainer
Creative and innovative, I influenced the development of police officer recruits and their subsequent service delivery. I significantly improved frontline training course delivery by reviewing and rewriting numerous lessons and modernising practical assessments. I gained and have maintained high levels of legislative knowledge that ensures credibility and optimises the learning experience. My personable and enthusiastic training delivery underpins the high quality InCrowd Safety Partnership learning experience.


MSc, Crowd Science & Risk Management
BSc, Criminology
PGCert, Education


Crowd science modelling

Crowd behaviour

Crowd management

Density and flow mapping

Behavioural detection

Specialist advice

Training design and delivery

Problem solving & managing risk

Planning & organising

Communicating & influencing


Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom


+44 7793 680669