
Why undertake our training?

Mass entertainment and large-scale events provide exciting, exhilarating and memorable experiences for millions of people across the globe.  Sadly, however, crowds create risk and too many people continue to sustain serious injuries or worse.


Those responsible for safety at any level must therefore have significant knowledge, experience and skills if people are to feel safe, stay safe and want to return to those venues and events.


Supporting clients’ organisational ambitions and financial growth whilst remaining firmly sighted on a great customer experience, our internationally accredited training course is underpinned by 80 plus years in policing and collaborative events safety.


High-quality and innovative, we specialise in training that is not available through other providers and offer home and overseas clients a unique product that will upskill staff and reduce risk. 

Crowd safety, management & preparedness

Level 3, 4 and 5 accredited qualifications 

Our course programme is designed to ensure organisations have an efficient and effective ‘safety management team.’  Event and venue safety can only be achieved through an organisational ‘chain of command’ and we will develop and ensure delegates are adequately prepared to undertake operational, tactical and strategic roles and responsibilities.


An innovative approach purposefully designed to raise standards within the industry, delegates will be taught, assessed and accredited at the level appropriate to their responsibilities within the organisational safety structure.


The course

Our course includes 9 key modules and a scenario-based exercise – all specifically designed around clients’ venue, event, and specific corporate needs.  Delegates will work as part of an ‘organisational safety team’ and develop wide ranging knowledge and skills during 3 days of classroom-based workshops led by subject matter experts


Learning will be complemented by a comprehensive e-workbook that will support delegate assessments, as well as provide reference materials and tools for post-course application at events and venues.


Coaching and mentoring will be provided to delegates throughout the course until successful graduation from the programme to assist their achievement of the appropriate level of accreditation.

Who is this course designed for?

This unique training course is designed to upskill and prepare entire organisational ‘safety management teams’, especially those with operational, tactical and strategic roles and responsibilities.  


Tailored to clients’ specific operating environments, the course is appropriate for any event, venue or crowded place environment, and trainers’ wide ranging knowledge, experience and skills will be applied to individual client and delegate needs.