Jason Kenny


Specialist operations and events: high-end expertise and the very highest professional standards in strategic planning, command, critical incident decision making, collaborative delivery and risk management

The InCrowd Safety Partnership is all about ensuring our clients achieve their organisational ambitions and market growth through ensuring people feel safe and stay safe.  We offer over 80 years combined experience in policing and collaborative public safety, and our individual high-end knowledge and skills guarantee clients superb value for money and the very highest standards in the industry


1996 – 2021
Specialist policing operations & events: a career summary

Engaged as a practitioner and at all command bands in firearms, public order & emergency management for over 25 years, I rose to become the professional lead of events & emergency planning; protest, public order & public safety; counter terrorism security & search; dogs, marine & mounted policing. Responsible for training, mentoring & accrediting all senior personnel, I was the ‘go to’ commander for high-risk operations.


2024 – Current
InCrowd Safety Partnership and JSK Consultancy Solutions
The InCrowd Safety Partnership delivers innovative, high quality consultancy services
and accredited training products tailored to achieving clients’ organisational ambitions and financial growth. JSK Consultancy Solutions supports the partnership through doctoral study and objective evaluation geared toward continuous improvement of professional practice in the partnership safety and risk management field.


2021 – 2023
Chief Executive, Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
Appointed to remedy a failing organisation, I established an unequivocal improvement
narrative. I transformed culture and performance through structural and people change, aligning a sharp vision and purpose with strategic objectives, fresh organisational values, and a £492 million corporate budget. Reducing the Commissioner’s direct overheads by 20%, I ensured the police were held to account through new governance frameworks.


2019 – 2021
Head, Organisational Performance, Inspection & Review
I designed the infrastructure that steered organisational performance. Holding senior leaders to account via robust inspections and review, I played a critical role in the corporate achievement of ‘good’ gradings from the national inspectorate body in all nine thematic areas. Relishing challenge, I led controversial areas of policing and transformed the organisation’s approach to stop & search and unauthorised encampments.


2017 – 2019
Senior Police Commander, City of Portsmouth
Selected to lead policing in one of the most challenging and diverse urban environments in England, I coalesced partners, aligned structures, and set a new direction for a ‘Safer Portsmouth’. Relentlessly pursuing the city’s most prolific and dangerous offenders, I reduced public space violence by 23%, raised public confidence levels to over 90%, and diverted vulnerable people from the criminal justice system by securing a £550K grant.


2015 – 2017
Head, Specialist Operations
I operationalised the specialist operations collaboration across the two biggest non Metropolitan police forces in the UK. Creating £1.2 million in cashable savings through a dual-organisational restructure, I enhanced operational capability and capacity, and bolstered our contribution to the Strategic Policing Requirement in support of national
resilience and emergency preparedness. I led international policing operations.


DCRIMJ, Doctorate in Criminal Justice
MPA, Master of Public Administration
MSC, Security & Risk Management
PGCert, Professional Research Methods
PGCert, Strategic Leadership
PGCert, Management
Level 3, Education & Training (PTLLS)
Chartered Manager, CMI
Member, Institute of Leadership


Command, leadership & management

Decision making & managing risk

Critical thinking & problem solving

Setting strategy & coordinating activity

Planning, organising & delivering

Developing & motivating people

Communicating & influencing

Holding people & organisations to account

Innovating & change

Resolving conflict & underperformance

Building collaborations & networks


Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom


+44 7546 561338



